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Address:Wuhan City Wuchang District Xu 294 Main Street East
FEDEX Express

one,A basic introduction to FEDEX:

Federal Express is the world's largest express transportation company, for over 235 countries and regions to provide fast, reliable delivery service. Federal express with global air and land network, usually only one to two working days, can quickly transport time urgent goods, but also to ensure on time delivery.

two, FEDEX billing: ( specific price consulting staff )

FEDEX fuel surcharge: 19% ( from 2012 05 Sept. 02 )

three, can reach the state :

Hongkong Macao Taiwan South Korea Japan American Samoa islands Australia Brunei Burma Burma East Timor Fiji French Polynesia Guam Republic of Kily Barty Lao Marshall Islands Micronesia Nauru Republic of China New Caledonia New Zealand Niue Niue Island Palau Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu varys with PIM Fortuyn islands Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Armenia Azerbaijan Ba Lin Bela Ruth Benin Bosnia and Heisaigeweiya Botswana Bulgaria Botswana Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Chad Congo Croatia Cyprus Czech Djibouti Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Georgia Garner Gibraltar Guinea Hungary and Iceland and the Ivory Coast Ivory Coast Kazakhstan Kenya Israel Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Kyrgyzstan Latvia Malaysia Thailand Philippines Singapore Indonesia Vietnam Andorra Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Faroe Islands Germany Germany Greece Greenland India Ireland Italy Liechtenstein Luxemburg Malta Monaco Holland Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Arabia Lesotho Liberia United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Vatican Lithuania Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Moldova Morocco Mozambique Maree Mauritania Mauritius Namibia Niger Oman Nigeria Palestine Poland Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Saudi Arabia Niwangda left Senegal Sebiya and mount Nigro Seychelles Republic of Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Swaziland Syria Tanzania Togo Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine Uzbekistan Yemen Yugoslavia Zambia Zimbabwe Arab Republic Anguilla Antigua Argentina Aruba Bahamas Bangladesh Babado J Belize Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Brazil British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands Chile Dominica Ecuador Costa Rica Dominica Republic of Columbia Salvatore French Guyana grid Lin Nada Gua de Ropp Guatemala Guyana Haiti Honduras Jamaica Maldives Martinique Nicaragua Nepal Netherlands Antilles Monte Serra islands Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Sri Lanka St. Kitts Saint Lucia Saint Vincent Suriname Trinidad Tobago and the Turks and Caicos islands Uruguay Venezuela Virgin Islands of the United States of America

Mexico Canada Four, express mail inquiries:


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